see more Señor Gif
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Love Grenade for Sister Sarah
If you have a strong stomach, I invite you to read this gusher of a love letter to America's #1 whack job, Sarah Palin, written for Time Magazine by America's #2 whack job himself, Ted Nugent. If not, allow me to sum it up for you:
1st Line: Guitar Joke
Middle: Policy and fact-free, flag waving horseshit
Last Line: Hunting Joke
Actually, it's hard not to call the whole thing a joke. 'The Nuge' believes Palin to be the lipsticked reincarnation of our brilliant, serious minded forefathers and describes her as having a 'herculean work ethic.' Got that? So despite what we all learned in school, apparently Thomas Jefferson was quite proud of not knowing much about anything and George Washington quit midway through his 1st term in office.
This 'piece' wouldn't bother me so much if it had been published in 'Field & Stream' or 'Guns & Ammo,' but Time Magazine? Is it too much to hope that this was a total tongue-in-cheek job by the editors and was in no way meant to be taken seriously? Otherwise, I'm at a loss. One minute, Uncle Ted's rantings are safely relegated to Fox News, Tea Party rallies and Reality TV. The next, I'm opening what I thought was a respectable magazine and reading about how Ted's beloved Sarah represents all that is 'good' in America while exposing all that is 'bad and ugly.' Don't bother asking what he means by 'good' and 'bad.' As with anything Palin-related, specifics are to be avoided at all cost. Ask again and Ted will literally shoot you in your commie face! *air guitar*
On a happier note, I think we can all agree that nobody's ever done album covers quite like Ted Nugent. The man was a visionary! Just a shame the editors at Time weren't able to get their photoshop on. Would have been a nice compliment to the article, I think.
1st Line: Guitar Joke
Middle: Policy and fact-free, flag waving horseshit
Last Line: Hunting Joke
Actually, it's hard not to call the whole thing a joke. 'The Nuge' believes Palin to be the lipsticked reincarnation of our brilliant, serious minded forefathers and describes her as having a 'herculean work ethic.' Got that? So despite what we all learned in school, apparently Thomas Jefferson was quite proud of not knowing much about anything and George Washington quit midway through his 1st term in office.
This 'piece' wouldn't bother me so much if it had been published in 'Field & Stream' or 'Guns & Ammo,' but Time Magazine? Is it too much to hope that this was a total tongue-in-cheek job by the editors and was in no way meant to be taken seriously? Otherwise, I'm at a loss. One minute, Uncle Ted's rantings are safely relegated to Fox News, Tea Party rallies and Reality TV. The next, I'm opening what I thought was a respectable magazine and reading about how Ted's beloved Sarah represents all that is 'good' in America while exposing all that is 'bad and ugly.' Don't bother asking what he means by 'good' and 'bad.' As with anything Palin-related, specifics are to be avoided at all cost. Ask again and Ted will literally shoot you in your commie face! *air guitar*
On a happier note, I think we can all agree that nobody's ever done album covers quite like Ted Nugent. The man was a visionary! Just a shame the editors at Time weren't able to get their photoshop on. Would have been a nice compliment to the article, I think.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Queen for a Day
I'm thinking about starting the 'Rosie Ruiz Appreciation Society.' On this day 30 years ago, Rosie won the 1980 Boston Marathon. She was unfairly stripped of her title when it was discovered that she had joined the race about a mile before the finish line. :) A win is a win, right Rosie?
Atta girl!
Atta girl!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Legit Movement or Armed Circle Jerk
Sullivan got it right. A movement based on the noble core principals of smaller govt and fiscal responsibility loses all credibility when it's guided by blind partisanship (see: unfunded war perpetrated by a GOP President and Congress is all good, but this President is killing our nation with debt!) and suspiciously high levels of open hostility towards the current administration. I'd wager that if you offered the average Tea Party member an opportunity to either sit down with the President to discuss ideas for cutting taxes and reducing spending, or attend a TP rally on the White House lawn, he'd choose the latter everytime. "Civil discourse is appeasement!" No, actually it's not. It's how serious people handle serious problems in the modern world.
"...and that lack of seriousness is complemented by a near-fanatical cultural alienation from the modern world."
It's enough to make you wonder if Tea Party 'leaders' aren't perfectly happy being marginalized. After all, having a seat at the legislative bargaining table means having to use your 'inside voice' to articulate actual ideas. *yawn* Instead, let's embrace that fringe and keep those cameras rolling! It's a beautiful time of year to be standing outdoors screaming about socialism and 'your America.'
"...and that lack of seriousness is complemented by a near-fanatical cultural alienation from the modern world."
It's enough to make you wonder if Tea Party 'leaders' aren't perfectly happy being marginalized. After all, having a seat at the legislative bargaining table means having to use your 'inside voice' to articulate actual ideas. *yawn* Instead, let's embrace that fringe and keep those cameras rolling! It's a beautiful time of year to be standing outdoors screaming about socialism and 'your America.'
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Pride or Prejudice
Meacham goes all historical for the 'neo-Confederates' out there who apparently need a reminder, if not an education.
"As the sesquicentennial of Fort Sumter approaches in 2011, the enduring problem for neo-Confederates endures: anyone who seeks an Edenic Southern past in which the war was principally about states’ rights and not slavery is searching in vain, for the Confederacy and slavery are inextricably and forever linked."
As a proud Georgia native, I've never understood why so many of my fellow southerners feel the need to tie their southern pride to the Confederacy. Does the South really have so little to be proud of....that we have to cling to a flag that symbolizes, among other things, a state's right to own people? I too hope the 'South rises again'....this time leaving all the ignorance and hatred behind.
And btw, Jon Meacham.....he's a Tennessee boy. Still lives there with his wife....a belle from Mississippi.
How bout that.
"As the sesquicentennial of Fort Sumter approaches in 2011, the enduring problem for neo-Confederates endures: anyone who seeks an Edenic Southern past in which the war was principally about states’ rights and not slavery is searching in vain, for the Confederacy and slavery are inextricably and forever linked."
As a proud Georgia native, I've never understood why so many of my fellow southerners feel the need to tie their southern pride to the Confederacy. Does the South really have so little to be proud of....that we have to cling to a flag that symbolizes, among other things, a state's right to own people? I too hope the 'South rises again'....this time leaving all the ignorance and hatred behind.
And btw, Jon Meacham.....he's a Tennessee boy. Still lives there with his wife....a belle from Mississippi.
How bout that.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Usual Suspect
There is a reason why "the devil made me do it" is usually said in jest....and most of us get the joke. It's a laughable punchline that's normally reserved for something as mundane as double parking or stealing that last slice of cheesecake. But when it's used as a defense for the rape and molestation of children, it loses all humor.
I'm not sure a single quote can sum up the enormity of the Catholic Church's denial in the face of such clear and overwhelming evidence...but this one comes close:
“...and so we should not be surprised if priests too ... fall into temptation. They also live in the world and can fall like men of the world.” -- Father Gabriele Amorth, chief exorcist for the Holy See
Yes, I just quoted an exorcist, but give me a break! In Rome, this guy is actually considered to be a credible voice. And he has the balls to shrug off the rampant pedophilia that has now been proven to exist within the Catholic priesthood as a simply a case of worldly men giving into temptation. Happens to us all, right? Nothing a few Hail Marys can't fix. What's the big deal? Business as usual at the Vatican. The rest of us need to get over it!
Not this time, Father.
I'm not sure a single quote can sum up the enormity of the Catholic Church's denial in the face of such clear and overwhelming evidence...but this one comes close:
“...and so we should not be surprised if priests too ... fall into temptation. They also live in the world and can fall like men of the world.” -- Father Gabriele Amorth, chief exorcist for the Holy See
Yes, I just quoted an exorcist, but give me a break! In Rome, this guy is actually considered to be a credible voice. And he has the balls to shrug off the rampant pedophilia that has now been proven to exist within the Catholic priesthood as a simply a case of worldly men giving into temptation. Happens to us all, right? Nothing a few Hail Marys can't fix. What's the big deal? Business as usual at the Vatican. The rest of us need to get over it!
Not this time, Father.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Silent Consent
Frank Rich's sobering, must-read Op-Ed in this past Saturday's NYT has served to finally shine a spotlight on the real issue at play in today's Tea Party movement.
His breakdown of the current (supposedly Healthcare related) divide in this country has, in my mind, put the onus of any violent, hate-related outcomes squarely at the feet of those who've given legitimacy to the radical fringe of this movement. As Don Corleone would say, "I'm a superstitious man..."
For better or worse, in this country we elect based on a two-party system. And like it or not, 'Tea Party' has become synonymous with 'Republican.' As stated by Rich, 76% self-identified. So when Dems stand in opposition to statements made by TP members, they're naturally seen as simply mouthing the usual left-wing 'talking points.' You say, "I consider myself a conservative but I don't subscribe to the violence-inciting rhetoric." I'm glad to hear it, but I'm afraid it can't end there. Because it isn't just about GOP leadership lending their support by standing up and speaking at TP rallies. When you talk with your normally like-minded, conservative friends and notice their words beginning to skew from legitimate opposition to hate speech, it becomes you're responsibility speak up. And if you're not inclined to do so, you might want to check to make sure that the hateful words you're hearing aren't coming from your own mouth.
His breakdown of the current (supposedly Healthcare related) divide in this country has, in my mind, put the onus of any violent, hate-related outcomes squarely at the feet of those who've given legitimacy to the radical fringe of this movement. As Don Corleone would say, "I'm a superstitious man..."
For better or worse, in this country we elect based on a two-party system. And like it or not, 'Tea Party' has become synonymous with 'Republican.' As stated by Rich, 76% self-identified. So when Dems stand in opposition to statements made by TP members, they're naturally seen as simply mouthing the usual left-wing 'talking points.' You say, "I consider myself a conservative but I don't subscribe to the violence-inciting rhetoric." I'm glad to hear it, but I'm afraid it can't end there. Because it isn't just about GOP leadership lending their support by standing up and speaking at TP rallies. When you talk with your normally like-minded, conservative friends and notice their words beginning to skew from legitimate opposition to hate speech, it becomes you're responsibility speak up. And if you're not inclined to do so, you might want to check to make sure that the hateful words you're hearing aren't coming from your own mouth.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
One of my earliest childhood memories is sitting down on a Sunday afternoon to watch Marlin Perkins and his Mutual of Omaha's 'Wild Kingdom.' If you remember it at all, you might recall that it wasn't exactly a show about herbivores gathering berries and nuts in peaceful harmony. In fact, the only time you'd see a 'peaceful' animal is when it was being eaten by a big fucking tiger. I suppose the program appealed to my youthful, savage side. Marlin was the minister of primal carnage and I was his minion. But times change and with the years came the wisdom that peaceful animals can actually be the wildest animals of all! As proof, I submit to you.......the Bonobo.

Look at that happy fella! And believe me, his shit-eating grin is well founded. Ok, I know what you're thinking and yes, while he is an ape and does resemble the chimpanzee, I assure you, the bonobo is a different species entirely. There are numerous differences that separate the two but one of the clearest is also the thing that makes the bonobo one of the wildest animals in the Congo. S-E-X. It's their currency, it's their language, it's their whole reason for being. It's how they greet each other, it's how they resolve conflict, and once the conflict is resolved, guess how they celebrate. (see pic above) According to primatologists, they are believed to be the only non-human species to engage in face to face sex, oral sex and french kissing. Before a meal, they have an all-hands orgy to allow for 'peaceful feeding.' And as you might imagine, they don't exactly discriminate when it comes to partners. The only 'pairing' they seem to shy away from is Mother/Son. (cuz that's just gross) But otherwise, if there's a bonobo within arm's reach, it's business time. They are, without a doubt, the undisputed Swingers of the Jungle!
So as we sit comfortably atop the evolutionary ladder, looking down at our closest relative in the animal kingdom, the real question would seem to be, which of our species is truly more evolved? 'Make Love Not War' is just a bumpersticker to us.....a dream scenario. And guess who's livin' the dream.
Look at that happy fella! And believe me, his shit-eating grin is well founded. Ok, I know what you're thinking and yes, while he is an ape and does resemble the chimpanzee, I assure you, the bonobo is a different species entirely. There are numerous differences that separate the two but one of the clearest is also the thing that makes the bonobo one of the wildest animals in the Congo. S-E-X. It's their currency, it's their language, it's their whole reason for being. It's how they greet each other, it's how they resolve conflict, and once the conflict is resolved, guess how they celebrate. (see pic above) According to primatologists, they are believed to be the only non-human species to engage in face to face sex, oral sex and french kissing. Before a meal, they have an all-hands orgy to allow for 'peaceful feeding.' And as you might imagine, they don't exactly discriminate when it comes to partners. The only 'pairing' they seem to shy away from is Mother/Son. (cuz that's just gross) But otherwise, if there's a bonobo within arm's reach, it's business time. They are, without a doubt, the undisputed Swingers of the Jungle!
So as we sit comfortably atop the evolutionary ladder, looking down at our closest relative in the animal kingdom, the real question would seem to be, which of our species is truly more evolved? 'Make Love Not War' is just a bumpersticker to us.....a dream scenario. And guess who's livin' the dream.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Frum on today's GOP
Ladies and Gents, it takes balls to hold a mirror up to your own party when the truth is as ugly as it is undeniable. Today's traditional conservatives are being forced to choose sides within their own party as their leadership, instead of attempting to expand the base, make shockingly poor political calculations that threaten to shrink it even further. Hat's off to David Frum for going there. Like it or not, truth to power is exactly what the GOP needs right now. The real question is, will he become a pariah for it? The answer could tell us all we need to know.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Healthcare Edition
So I recently had a spirited back-and-forth with my brother-in-law over the healthcare bill that currently sits in Congress. He took the usual right-wing stance of 'not in my back pocket' while I was firmly entrenched on the other side. This debate took place on FB, so others chimed in as well. As I read the opinions from the opposite side, one thought kept popping into my head. Jesus didn't have to pay taxes.
Over the years, Americans have proven themselves to be a most generous people. Take the recent tragedy in Haiti. In the aftermath, an immediate call for financial assistance rang out and Americans from all 4 corners heeded that call. Many self-identified 'Christians' decided to give simply by asking themselves: "WWJD?" The money rolled in and the charitable nature of our people became a source of pride for us, both individually and as a nation. Now take the ongoing tragedy known as 'healthcare in America.' Don't think it qualifies as a tragedy? What would you call the yearly, preventable loss of tens of thousands of American lives, in numbers that dwarf 9/11? Loss that occurs simply because these souls could not afford life. That's the tragic reality. For a growing number of our citizens, life in America has literally becomes too expensive to sustain. So let's fix it, right??? Yeah, right.
I have no doubt that every rational American sees the flaws in our healthcare system and understands that a fix is needed. "Yeah, I know it....I just don't want to pay for it." What? Do you really think you and your loved ones are so far removed from this crisis that it can't devastate your lives as well? Lose your job and try paying out-of-pocket for healthcare. One trip to the ER and I promise you, the urgency of this crisis will become all too real. But that hasn't happened yet, right? And you take care of your family, so why should you have to help John Q. Neighbor across the street take care of his? For the same reason you helped that Haitian family you saw suffering on the evening news. It's the right thing to do. The 'Christian' thing. Only problem is, this tragedy can't be addressed with a one-time donation to the Red Cross. It will take some genuine sacrifice. Bottom line: either you care about helping your fellow man or you do not. "WWJD?" You know the answer. The question is, will you continue to ignore it?
Over the years, Americans have proven themselves to be a most generous people. Take the recent tragedy in Haiti. In the aftermath, an immediate call for financial assistance rang out and Americans from all 4 corners heeded that call. Many self-identified 'Christians' decided to give simply by asking themselves: "WWJD?" The money rolled in and the charitable nature of our people became a source of pride for us, both individually and as a nation. Now take the ongoing tragedy known as 'healthcare in America.' Don't think it qualifies as a tragedy? What would you call the yearly, preventable loss of tens of thousands of American lives, in numbers that dwarf 9/11? Loss that occurs simply because these souls could not afford life. That's the tragic reality. For a growing number of our citizens, life in America has literally becomes too expensive to sustain. So let's fix it, right??? Yeah, right.
I have no doubt that every rational American sees the flaws in our healthcare system and understands that a fix is needed. "Yeah, I know it....I just don't want to pay for it." What? Do you really think you and your loved ones are so far removed from this crisis that it can't devastate your lives as well? Lose your job and try paying out-of-pocket for healthcare. One trip to the ER and I promise you, the urgency of this crisis will become all too real. But that hasn't happened yet, right? And you take care of your family, so why should you have to help John Q. Neighbor across the street take care of his? For the same reason you helped that Haitian family you saw suffering on the evening news. It's the right thing to do. The 'Christian' thing. Only problem is, this tragedy can't be addressed with a one-time donation to the Red Cross. It will take some genuine sacrifice. Bottom line: either you care about helping your fellow man or you do not. "WWJD?" You know the answer. The question is, will you continue to ignore it?
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