About the Author...

Sunday, March 28, 2010


One of my earliest childhood memories is sitting down on a Sunday afternoon to watch Marlin Perkins and his Mutual of Omaha's 'Wild Kingdom.'  If you remember it at all, you might recall that it wasn't exactly a show about herbivores gathering berries and nuts in peaceful harmony.  In fact, the only time you'd see a 'peaceful' animal is when it was being eaten by a big fucking tiger.  I suppose the program appealed to my youthful, savage side. Marlin was the minister of primal carnage and I was his minion.  But times change and with the years came the wisdom that peaceful animals can actually be the wildest animals of all!  As proof, I submit to you.......the Bonobo.


Look at that happy fella!  And believe me, his shit-eating grin is well founded.  Ok, I know what you're thinking and yes, while he is an ape and does resemble the chimpanzee, I assure you, the bonobo is a different species entirely.  There are numerous differences that separate the two but one of the clearest is also the thing that makes the bonobo one of the wildest animals in the Congo.  S-E-X.  It's their currency, it's their language, it's their whole reason for being.  It's how they greet each other, it's how they resolve conflict, and once the conflict is resolved, guess how they celebrate. (see pic above) According to primatologists, they are believed to be the only non-human species to engage in face to face sex, oral sex and french kissing.  Before a meal, they have an all-hands orgy to allow for 'peaceful feeding.'  And as you might imagine, they don't exactly discriminate when it comes to partners.  The only 'pairing' they seem to shy away from is Mother/Son.  (cuz that's just gross)  But otherwise, if there's a bonobo within arm's reach, it's business time.  They are, without a doubt,  the undisputed Swingers of the Jungle!

So as we sit comfortably atop the evolutionary ladder, looking down at our closest relative in the animal kingdom, the real question would seem to be, which of our species is truly more evolved?  'Make Love Not War' is just a bumpersticker to us.....a dream scenario.  And guess who's livin' the dream.


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