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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Healthcare Edition

So I recently had a spirited back-and-forth with my brother-in-law over the healthcare bill that currently sits in Congress.  He took the usual right-wing stance of 'not in my back pocket' while I was firmly entrenched on the other side.  This debate took place on FB, so others chimed in as well.  As I read the opinions from the opposite side, one thought kept popping into my head.  Jesus didn't have to pay taxes.

Over the years, Americans have proven themselves to be a most generous people.  Take the recent tragedy in Haiti.  In the aftermath, an immediate call for financial assistance rang out and Americans from all 4 corners heeded that call.  Many self-identified 'Christians' decided to give simply by asking themselves: "WWJD?"  The money rolled in and the charitable nature of our people became a source of pride for us, both individually and as a nation.  Now take the ongoing tragedy known as 'healthcare in America.'  Don't think it qualifies as a tragedy?  What would you call the yearly, preventable loss of tens of thousands of American lives, in numbers that dwarf 9/11?  Loss that occurs simply because these souls could not afford life.  That's the tragic reality.  For a growing number of our citizens, life in America has literally becomes too expensive to sustain. So let's fix it, right???  Yeah, right.

I have no doubt that every rational American sees the flaws in our healthcare system and understands that a fix is needed.  "Yeah, I know it....I just don't want to pay for it."  What?  Do you really think you and your loved ones are so far removed from this crisis that it can't devastate your lives as well?  Lose your job and try paying out-of-pocket for healthcare.  One trip to the ER and I promise you, the urgency of this crisis will become all too real.  But that hasn't happened yet, right?  And you take care of your family, so why should you have to help John Q. Neighbor across the street take care of his?  For the same reason you helped that Haitian family you saw suffering on the evening news.  It's the right thing to do.  The 'Christian' thing.  Only problem is, this tragedy can't be addressed with a one-time donation to the Red Cross.  It will take some genuine sacrifice.  Bottom line: either you care about helping your fellow man or you do not.  "WWJD?"  You know the answer.  The question is, will you continue to ignore it?


1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you doing a blog Tim. We don't always see eye to eye on the issues (though we are pretty close on this one). But even when we don't, I usually find your perspective very interesting & informative -- and often just plain funny too. Carry on sir!
