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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Usual Suspect

There is a reason why "the devil made me do it" is usually said in jest....and most of us get the joke.  It's a laughable punchline that's normally reserved for something as mundane as double parking or stealing that last slice of cheesecake.  But when it's used as a defense for the rape and molestation of children, it loses all humor.

I'm not sure a single quote can sum up the enormity of the Catholic Church's denial in the face of such clear and overwhelming evidence...but this one comes close:

“...and so we should not be surprised if priests too ... fall into temptation. They also live in the world and can fall like men of the world.”  --  Father Gabriele Amorth, chief exorcist for the Holy See


Yes, I just quoted an exorcist, but give me a break!   In Rome, this guy is actually considered to be a credible voice.  And he has the balls to shrug off the rampant pedophilia that has now been proven to exist within the Catholic priesthood as a simply a case of worldly men giving into temptation.  Happens to us all, right?  Nothing a few Hail Marys can't fix.  What's the big deal?  Business as usual at the Vatican.  The rest of us need to get over it!

Not this time, Father.

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