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Friday, November 2, 2012

My Election Day Resolution

Election Day is almost here!  And to celebrate, I've decided to officially retire an age-old question that I (along with most Lefties) have continued to ask every four years.  That question being: Why do so many Americans seem to vote against their own interests?

I've heard and read this countless times throughout my adult life and have always found myself agreeing with it. But recently I came across 'the question' in an article and my first thought was, 'That's pretty arrogant.  Why would anyone presume to know what a complete stranger's interests are?'  So in an attempt to account for this thought, I decided to revise the question and....well, here it is:

Why do so many Americans seem to vote against what their own interests should be?

Yikes.  Really, Tim??  The revised version is certainly cringe-worthy, but it brings up a fundamental point that I have somehow overlooked each time I've asked that original question.  Believing that I know what matters most deeply to people I've never met, and who've lived completely dissimilar lives from my own is a critical mistake. At least it is if an actual conversation is the goal. And even worse, it's a mistake born not just from arrogance, but also from that one trait Liberals loathe above all else:  Narrow mindedness. *gasp*  But let's face it. People choose a candidate for all sorts of reasons....and like it or not, those reasons are valid to them, worth their vote and worth defending.

So there ya go.  That question is officially bullshit and as such, I'm tossing into the bin of rhetorical rubbish for all time.  I invite my fellow Left Nuts to do the same, unless you're only interested in confrontation.  Lord knows there's plenty out there to be had....and it's worked so well up till now!

