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Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Knock that shit off!"

According to Freud, we're all born as sexual deviants.  After a few years of being allowed to act on our developing sexual impulses, we're eventually told to "Knock that shit off!"  Society dictates which shit is to be 'knocked off' and which is considered acceptable behavior. I think we can all agree that there need to be certain societal standards so that basic order can be maintained.  After all, we can't have folks running around flashing old ladies or sticking their knobs in fence holes.  Kids caught engaging in such activities are rightly told to 'Knock that shit off!'  But what happens when there's a split in society's definition of acceptable behavior? 

Until very recently, gay people were considered sexual deviants by mainstream America and as such, told by parents, family, friends, priests and even total strangers to KTSO!  The obvious rub being that homosexuality isn't a phase or a fetish, it's an identity.  America finally seems to be catching up with this fact, e.g. the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' and that's serving to shine a spotlight on the lingering ignorance and bigotry directed towards gays in this country.

Now, a moment to share my feelings on so-called 'deviant' sexual behavior.  It is my blog, after all.  Without exception, children, animals and the mentally challenged are off limits.  If you need me to explain why, seek help.  Otherwise, as long as there's consent, and applying the same societal standards of public decorum I mentioned earlier, adults should feel no shame in doing whatever and whoever makes them happy.  (Or is it whomever? Fah!)  Anyway, that's my take. 

So what's the next step?  How do we finally turn this corner as a nation and make it unacceptable to treat, or even speak of homosexuality as a negative?  I think it's safe to say that progressives in this country will do what they've always done....drag the 'old gaurd' kicking and screaming into the future.  As for how best to do this, I've always been a fan of the 'Good News/Bad News' scenario.  For instance....

"Bad news: You were 'brought up to believe' a load of intolerant, phobic bullshit.  Good news:  As an adult, you're allowed to use your intellect and adjust your beliefs accordingly.  No one expects this to happen overnight, or in your lifetime for that matter, but wouldn't it be nice to prove people wrong once in a while?  To show them that you aren't just some lowbrow, shit-kicking, scripture quoting hypocrite?"

An immediate, visceral response is to be expected.  But once John Q. Homophobe is allowed to think on this for a while, he will begin to realize that he is not what the rest of us perceive him to be.  But even as this newfound truth washes over him, it's unlikely that his public persona will change.  Thankfully, the key to cultural reform doesn't rest with the current generation.  It's about what their children are 'brought up to believe'....and their children's children.  An evolving societal shift is a painfully slow process, but an inevitable one.  To help it along, it becomes the duty of the enlightened majority to be vocal about their beliefs, and to call out out the homophobic minority whenever possible.  Stand up!  And don't be afraid to say those four simple words....

"Knock that shit off!"

Perfect example!  Thanks, Candace....